Sunday, September 11, 2016

Why is Sous Vide So Good for the Home Cook?

Sous Vide cooking methods seem to be taking the world by storm. It's not only celebrity chefs who are using Sous Vide as an essential technique in beating out the competition but also home cooks who are finding that the simplicity of Sous Vide is perfect for delivering exceptionally prepared foods in a way that is suitable for even beginners.

So why is Sous Vide so popular? 

The technique itself uses some simple equipment with the Best Sous Vide Brands, including a water bath and vacuum sealed plastic bags to deliver meat, poultry, seafood and even veggies that are cooked to perfection. The results of using Sous Vide are foods that retain their natural moisture and that perfect taste that is sometimes difficult to achieve using traditional cooking methods. The effectiveness of Sous Vide is based in the selection of perfect cooking temperatures and times - easy enough to achieve using the modern Sous Vide technology that is today available to even home chefs.

After the food is cooked using the Sous Vide method all that is required is to remove it from the water bath and (if required) sear it to get the perfect result. Searing can be accomplished using a cast iron skillet - or as many Sous Vide chefs are finding even easier a blowtorch.

The result of this approach id food that is cooked through to perfection - the chef avoids the problem of potentially having the exterior portions of the meat (or other product) overdone while the interior remains underdone. Using traditional cooking methods the window for producing the perfect result can be incredibly narrow - as anyone who has cooked delicate items such as seafood (think salmon) or a perfect sirloin steak.

By setting the time for the cooking and the temperature of the water bath the result is succulent and juicy cuts of meat and seafood that simply bursts with flavor.

Sous Vide cooking equipment used to be extremely pricey making it suitable for use in only professional kitchens, however recent developments have now put equipment within the range of most budgets. Smaller water bath units such as the 'Sous Vide Supreme Demi Water Oven' can be purchased for under $300 which makes them perfect for home use. It's actually a small price to pay for the incredible versatility of Sous Vide cooking.

Some professional chefs will almost always use vacuum machines in order to prepare the plastic bags for immersion in the water bath. However, for the home chef using zip lock bags is a perfect alternative. Immersing the bags slowly into the water bath will force the air out and they can then be sealed. This approach further reduces the cost of Sous Vide cooking ion the comfort of the kitchen.

Another advantage of using the Sous Vide method is that the home cook is freed up to prepare and even cook other components of the meal. The Sous Vide water bath can be set for a selected time according to the type of food that is being prepared. This allows for the preparation of more intricate and complex meals. Time becomes a friend rather than a foe when using Sous Vide cooking methods.

There are a number of guides on the Internet which will allow the home chef to select the right times and temperatures for a wide a variety of food. In addition some guides are available as apps - making their use even more simple and convenient.

For the home chef who wants to bring an extra dimension to their cooking experience Sous Vide provides a perfect platform for experimentation and taking home cooking to the next level. It's well worth exploring.

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