Sous Vide Water Baths

 The Amazing Benefits of Sous Vide Water Baths

While it may be commonly known that you are able to cook exceptional Sous vide steaks and salmon, there are so many more versatile dishes you can create with your Sous vide water baths. Sous-vide that is pronounced soo-VEED is a technique of cooking meals that are vacuum-sealed in plastic bags that are then immersed into a low-temperature, regulated water bath.

Translated from French, Sous-vide means “under vacuum”, but the actual method of cooking meat in controlled and low temperatures is how the method of Sous vide can be defined when put into
practice. The water in these baths is set at a low temperature that cooks the meat evenly and slowly when compared to conventional types of cooking techniques.

Due to the fact that the Sous vide method is considered to be extremely precise, risks related to over-cooking seafood, poultry or meat is minimal. One of the main advantages to this method of cooking is that shrinkage that typically occurs in proteins in regular cooking methods will not happen with Sous-vide.

How Does Sous Vide Work?

All types of meats are made up of connective tissue, collagen, fat cells and muscle fibers, which will eventually break down when they have been cooked for a certain amount of time. Steaks for example contain less connective tissue and collagen when compared to a beef chuck-roast. This means that the steak requires far less time to cook using the correct method. Chuck roasts is full of connective tissue, collagen and fat and will usually necessitate several hours of cooking in order to achieve the right tenderness.

When it comes to Sous vide cooking, your internal temperature that you would like to cook the protein at can be pre-set with your Sous-vide water-oven. An example of this is when you would like to cook a steak that is medium rare you would want to set the temperature of the water to 125 degrees Fahrenheit. When the steak begins to cook the internal temperature of the meat will increase to the set temperature of the Sous vide water bath. Once the internal temperature of your steak has reached 125 degrees Fahrenheit it will no longer cook and can be stored in this immersion tank until such stage that you would like to finish the meat off with browning or a quick-sear. It is important to realize that certain tougher meat cuts may require 48 to 72 hours using the Sous-vide method.

The Safety Aspects Of Sous Vide

Until not so long ago, sous vide methods was more commonly used by chefs in restaurants and was not a recommendation for the average home cook due to the risks related to food contamination.  However, today there are numerous Sous vide water baths or ovens for sale that provide a way for home cooks to prepare meat in a safe manner. The manufacturers of Sous vide ovens offer guidelines and instructions associated with cooking proteins. Most of these manufacturers recommend temperatures that are 134 degrees Fahrenheit and over in order to kill food borne bacteria In addition, it is also recommended that the meat should be chilled before vacuum sealing as well as being cooked directly after it has been sealed.

Sous Vide Advantages

•Consistent results when it comes to proteins

•An improvement in flavor without the need to add in more fat

•A controlled temperature for cooking

•Tender and juicy meats

•Food that is always cooked evenly

Sous Vide Disadvantages

•Extended cooking times

•Necessitates specialized equipment in the form of a Sous vide water bath

•Requires careful attention to keeping up with food safety needs

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